Saturday, July 10, 2010

psych camp (after)

My average sleeping duration is 6-8 hours a day. In the past 3 nights, I slept a total of 6 hours.

Somehow I still feel fine? Quite odd. I expected myself to be zombiefied or something.

Anyway, I just came back from Psych Camp!! I really enjoyed myself even though I didn't really bond with my group much.. because i bonded with my group facilitators! (or OGLs, or mentors, or whatever name you call them by)

My group was a bunch of people who were rather shy /quiet , so it was kinda odd. There wasn't really anyone whom I could talk to either.. so it was weird. But luckily for me, I had awesome facilitators!!

chong hui!!
she has this whiny highpitch voice that I always make fun of :p She is very fun to talk to (And bully) so it was great having her around! ahah. she's damn funny luh

When she laughs her face will scrunge up and her eyebrows cross abit so it's freaking hilarious! She makes random sounds also which are super funny. Very nice and fun to talk to too!

The only guy facil around... this joker is full of nonsense. I had a great time in lame-ness sparring with him.. we just talk alot of crap these few days. Basically making really bad lame jokes haha.
Super fun to have him around la.

Guan Wei!
Ok she isn't a facil but she's the only person in group whom I could talk to. She's abit sporty (can see from her tan can't you?) and always seems damn mature la haha. she's a year older than me too.

Hui Jun!!!
She was the one who called me up to tell me camp details.. initially sounded fierce(on the phone) but after getting to know her she's just this really sweet and pleasant girl! Very fun to talk to and disturb also haaha.
And she is one of the few people I know who actually have an 'eye smile'. It's this slight twinkle in your eyes when you are genuinely smiling. I think Roald Dahl or some author mentions this in one of his book.. like you can tell if a person is smiling genuinely by looking at his eyes.

And there is one more facil Liz, whom i talked to alot also (not as much as these) but she wasn't around on the last morning to take photos ahhhh.

Well that's all the photos I have now, because the rest are in other cameras ! Took like seriously a thousand photos.... and this video in which i was dancing!! I was quite surprised when i watched it because i never knew i was that decent haha. Did some arm/body wave and botting. I wanna see it again!! ahh.

The camp activities were pretty standard la. Like station games , amazing race, etc. The fun parts are the in-betweens - talking over meals, having supper together, staying up until 6.30AM on the last night.. etc (thanks chong/jun/liz for staying up with me :) would have been so boring if i had actually just gone to sleep rightaway)

The first night was quite jialat cos i went to bed at about 1, (after supper) and i was tossing in my bed till about 4+ la!! dam bad dunno why can't sleep. Brain just refused to switch off.
Second night I watched semis... damn sad la wth germany played so badly and spain played well.
And after that talk for awhile with chong/liz/guanwei then slept at 4+ too
And of course last night i was up till 630 am haha.

So in total i slept only about 6-10 hours? haha .

When I reached home i fell asleep for like.. 6 hours. Which is why I'm up now writing this.. but the accumulated fatigue is setting in again... think i need to sleep more.

Anyway, camp has helped prepare me alot for uni.. Now i know exactly what bidding is like and what modules i should take etc. Also , I'm more mentally prepared to mug like hell.. from what i heard Psych is hell alot of memorizing of the textbook. so... rawr - flexes brains-.

And of course,my lovely facils (Weiqin said i shouldn't call them seniors because the girls are actually my age or younger so it's odd. ) whom i genuinely hope to see around alot!!

Ok im really tirednow. time to catch up on lost sleep. hi dream land here i come